
Saturday, January 05, 2013

RAMSEY: Paticipatory government.

The webmaster of the City of Ramsey has emailed those subscribing to web-based notices the following, which should interest even those not subscribing:

The city of Ramsey is looking for residents who are interested in participating in the governance of their community by serving as a board or commission member.

Applications and additional information are available for print or download by visiting the city’s website at and clicking on “Boards and Commissions”. You may also call Human Resources at 763-576-4301 for additional information or to receive an application.

To view the application, please click on the link below.  If the link does not work, copy link and paste into browser.

UNFORTUNATELY - The notice does not say whether any deadline is involved, or how to electronically file an application. Presumably applications would be returned to Ms. Lasher, since the notice references "Human Resources." And the phone number given is Ms. Lasher's.

This link, for Ms. Lasher's contact info (and see below).

I have found using e-copies of data disclosure requests directed to the City Clerk worked fine, and saved trees.

I doubt any interested citizen filing a form as a candidate for a board or commission membership electronically would be deemed disqualified on that basis, but, phone and check. Or better, use email. Save trees. All that.

Colleen Lasher
Human Resources Manager
Phone: 763-576-4301