
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Entrepreneurship and adapting to the times. Study of the day in niche marketing. Surely you can guess the brand from this Wikipedia sentence, "The 10,000th machine was delivered to the Montreal Canadiens in April 2012 for use at the Bell Centre." It remains a registered trademark/tradename, despite a generic usage, as with "Hand me a kleenex," or "Give me a burger, fries and a medium coke."

They make capital goods, not consumer products.

Wikipedia history, here.

Corporate website, here.

Market dominance in a niche, this and Turbo Tax.

Is this the quintessential family business, job creator the Republicans talk of generically but are often hard pressed for actual good examples? Are they still a non-public corporation similar to Cargill, or are shares publicly traded? That question is left for readers to answer on their own, if they care.

There is a competitive brand, per the slideshow online here. The pepsi of zambonis?

Or is the plural zambonies? Or do you care?