
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Peter Bodley, ABC Newspapers, posts an online interview with Dan Erhart, looking into life after county board service, including, "never say never."

This link. It is extensive coverage worth reading. Per the headline this brief mid-item excerpt:

At one time, he was considering not running for re-election this year, but did so because his supporters urged him to do so and he hoped the election would change the current majority on the board, according to Erhart.

“I did not run a negative campaign,” Erhart said.

“I have never run a negative campaign in 30 years.”

Erhart is leaving the board with no bitterness, he said.

“I have had a great time, it has been a fun job and I have enjoyed serving the people of Anoka County immensely,” Erhart said.

As to whether he will run again – the District 7 seat will be on the ballot again in two years – Erhart said he would use the term “never say never.”

Erhart, 71, has no specific plans for the future but he has been talking some people on a number of different levels and he did not rule out going back to lobbying, he said.

But it would have to be an issue in which he believes and “good for Anoka County,” Erhart said.

He wants to revive his business, which has been dormant for several years because of Erhart’s county board commitments, he said.

“The land development business is picking up a little bit,” Erhart said.

There is no agenda in picking that excerpt, except to put a context around "never say never" as written and published. It represents a small part of the full report.

If the man lobbies the legislature, ramping up ASAP the Armstrong Blvd. - Hwy 10 interchange funding and construction in Ramsey would be good for the county, and for public safety, as well as a step toward the ultimate traffic-light-free limited access extension of Highway 10 from where such status exists in Anoka to at least the intersection of Highway 10 with Highway 101 in Sherburne County, and ultimately through or bypassing Elk River's 30 mph stretch of frustration. Extending Northstar to Saint Cloud would likely be something Erhart could lobby for in thinking it would be good for Anoka County, that being a guess because I have never met the man face-to-face nor spoken with him. However, I expect he would be effective if addressing either of those issues in lobbying the legislature. Even were Ramsey to pick up a share of a lobbying fee, it would be money better spent than the city's present monthly dole to Darren. Ya sure, and ya betcha. And better spending wisdom than the extensive payments to Tinklenberg Group prior to Landform's drawing on Ramsey funds. It might, or might not interest Erhart - and Ramsey's new council members will come in with a clean slate, or be able to shortly clean the slate to where multiple options can be considered.

_________FURTHER UPDATE________
Nolan reportedly is taking the Oberstar seat on the House Transportation Committee.