
Thursday, December 20, 2012


I had not realized, until stumbling on it by happenstance today, that City of Ramsey has a planning page, here, which among other things links to renderings/engineering drawings/plans for recently considered projects such as the massive Flaherty Rental thing presently being built, and other things for which ground may/may not have been broken.

Things at Town Center, to the north across Hwy 116, and on the west side of Armstrong:

Flaherty's thing, elevations, and bird's eye view.

Wiser Choice.

Legacy Christian, (with outlots marked as for future commercial/residential).

Super America (Amcom).

Seasons of Ramsey (And don't blame me, I did not pick that project name, which admittedly kind of fits in with "Symphony at Town Center," and the "COR" "badging art" - all of which was the intellectual output of others than me).

That Flaherty thing will be massive. Already it's cutting off Ben's winter sunshine for most of the day. Ben looks a bit paler these days.

Ben in his prime - 2006,
partly shaded by the ramp alone.

A probably unneeded caveat for most readers; that which gains plat approval is not always built, and plans are dynamic more often than static so what is first proposed may differ from what ends up done on the ground.