
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Two Ramsey tables - via Screen captures from today (Oct. 22), Strib Online.

From here and here, respectively.

Well, that's almost complete. The exodus was led however, not by Moses, but by Sean Sullivan, to my knowledge the first major staff person to leave for less stressful employment. Sean was the predecessor TIF staff person and development head before Aaron Backman, who was hired to replace Sean. Sullivan departed before former human resources head Givonia Reed Kone; both of whom are not listed.

Ramsey, had a daily double exodus of economic development heads, interestingly first Sullivan, as the Moses of the exodus, then Aaron; and the present council majority fired the planning head who headed planning during the 2030 comp plan effort, Amber Miller. The door's revolved more than Strib documented.

For those like me who liked Sean Sullivan, he landed on his feet, City of Isanti, contact info being:

Sean Sullivan
Economic Development Director
110 First Avenue NW, PO Box 428
Isanti, MN 55040
Office Phone: 763.444.5512
Mobile Phone: 763.807.4339

But let's not get bogged down in too much human departure detail. Next screen capture, departing dollars, on the gallop, getting out of Dodge before sunset:

Levy at Strib left out at least two key numbers of interest to me. What did the co-owned airplane cost Lazan and Look, and how much of the purchase capital was put up by Look? Throw in -- Hangar and maintenance cost history; checks tendered by whom, for what, equal 50-50 partners, or some imbalance, for some reason?

From seeing Brenda Look when she ran for council, she seems one who'd have little tolerance for extravagant household expenditures on adult toys. That was how she looked to me. As one not to brook spousal foolishness.

Help me. Is an aircraft a need, or a want?

_________FURTHER UPDATE________
Matt Look was kind enough to send the following, emailed noon today:

You will recall that Senator Jungbauer owned a plane......1974 Piper Warrior Cherokee. My parents were assisting my brother in getting the hours he needed to advance as a pilot and arrange a "rent-own" agreement whereby they (my parents) would rent hours on this plane and and in the end would own a third.

Second, Mike owed Darren money from what I understand, so they swapped 1/3 to cover the debt. Don't know the details. I think he bought in, in 2012

Third, Mike was short on money and had to liquidate the balance of the plane. My parents were concerned about who would buy it, would they have sufficient hours to not damage the plane when using it etc. I made an offer to Mike on August 31st, 2011 and bought the balance of the plane. I have a check stub to prove it.

I think the more accurate statement is that Darren owns a third of a plane that my family and I are majority share owners (2/3.) We can't control who owns the balance of the 1/3

In 2011 I was no longer working with Darren in terms of Ramsey and so therefore there was no conflict of interest and Levy is certainly trying to provoke thought to make it appear as such. Darren is under no contracts with the County.

As I told Levy, I can purchase anything I choose to on the open market (Iegally of course) certainly doesn't make it newsworthy.

Levy not only put out this guilty be association article, but apparently is putting out some other hit piece. I now am working with an attorney and we will ensure that if improper accusations/insinuations are made that we assess damages and determine if it is worth pursuing.

Wikipedia, text and image. I was unaware of the original Jungbauer aircraft situation, but those paragraphs seem to detail dealings involving Lazan, Look, and Jungbauer, with regard to the aircraft.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Careful readers may have noticed I added Hunter v. Hartman, commentary on the sidebar "About me" entry. John Borger is an exceptionally talented lawyer, and won that case handily, for Strib. In that case surgeon Hunter alleged Sid Hartman defamed him, by implication, with the court writing, 545 N.W.2d at 708;

"A "reasonable person" could construe respondent's remarks within their context as representing several supportable meanings other than the objective assertion of fact that appellant demonstrated professional incompetence during his tenure as orthopedic consultant to the University of Minnesota football team.

Borger also did excellent and very helpful amicus briefing in the recent Moore v. Hoff blogging case, an opinion set to be officially published, but as yet online w/o any official citation.