
Monday, October 29, 2012

Item scans, two voter mailings from Citizens for Responsible Government.

As noted in the updates of an earlier Crabgrass post, here, Colin McGlone put out a flyer speculating, wrongly, that Citizens for Responsible Government had published and circulated an earlier mailing against Bob Ramsey's reelection.

SD 35 did not publish and mail the item. On hearsay, Bill Erhart and Jim Deal were unclear about who may have published it, apparently neither of them did, and the State DFL appears to be protecting confidentiality about the item's distribution.

However, proof certain it was not Citizens for Responsible Government is that they have sent out their own mailers, clearly under their organization name, and it makes no sense to speculate they used a different channel to directly argue against Bob Ramsey's reelection. If the third item were theirs, they'd be expected to badge it as they have for these two items (scans were done on a home system, and hence are less than professional quality - readable, but not perfect). First, two sides of an item specific to Matt Look's reelection effort, second two sides of "Stop This Pack."

They speak for themselves, so, have a look, and beyond identifying the items now, there is no following editorial commentary. Click any thumbnail image to enlarge and read.

NOTE: One item lists Developers Are Crabgrass as an information resource. The compliment is gracious, but I had nothing to do with the preparation of either of these items, nor did I know of either until taking in and checking the mail. I have encouraged readers to donate to Citizens for Responsible Government, and have provided them a minor contribution. UPDATE: For convenience, readers can toggle to the Citizens for Responsible Government Facebook page via this link. When I accessed the page about an hour or two ago, I found it interesting Matt Look had accessed it earlier than I had, and being a Facebook user, he left a comment or two. I get a login or signup intercept from that abominable "service" when trying to access pages, sometimes but not all the time, and as a Facebook skeptic, there is no way in the world I would join up. But for any who may care, such as Look, the page is at the link given above.

Further update: One thing I could access is the "Wrecking Crew" item link that CRG gives on Facebook, this link. I have yet to read the item. I wanted to put the link up for others first.