
Sunday, October 14, 2012

How many partners does an LLC have?

This is "ask a lawyer" stuff, but the general voting public can have a shot too.

Opening page and a signature page, from here:

Whose signature is that, pardner?

At a guess:

Does any citizen in the city of Ramsey, on staff, or paid as a consultant, have an iota of evidence whether this is a bona fide ready, willing, and able purchaser; especially on the "able" part? Has the financial wherewithal of this purchasing LLC formed only January of this year, been duly checked out by those setting up this opportunity for City of Ramsey? Was there any vetting, that way?

There is a miasma from here:

Welcome to Kona Properties, LLC. We are a family run rental property business operating in the Oakley and Hyde Park area in the city of Cincinnati. Please click on an address to the left to view a property which is available to rent. Then, if you wish to visit the property, please email (best option) or call (second option) Joe 513-488-7808 to set up an appointment or attend one of our open houses.

This link.
Who on behalf of the city or consultancies owing the City a fiduciary duty will be stepping up to say whether this Cincinnati rental housing operation is/is not the parent of the so-called Ramsey Lot 5 "buyer;" or not? And more importantly, to say, "This series of steps is how we vetted them - gaining these [documented audited financials, bank references, proof of dealing history, etc.] details, proving a ready, willing and able buyer"?

There is a fiduciary duty when, over years, you take over a million in money as advisor and confidante. More is owed than the extraction of a commission by the agent, and the agent should not pressure the principal in a fashion even arguably appearing as if the agent puts personal gain and positioning ahead of full, competent, and helpful fiduciary performance.

Lawyers exist to give legal advice.

Who vetted? 

What's the proof of vetting?

When was this vetting done?

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Who, on behalf of the city was ever at this site, and when, and what city business was transacted (vetting related business would be the hope)?

____________FURHTER UPDATE___________
James F. Winkels, here, here, here and here. What do you make of this very cursory "vetting by Google"? One of those SoS items mentioned a "Gordon Schmitz," see, here, Gordon J. Schmitz. Here.

Presumably this is a different Gordon Schmitz; certainly vetting would tell.

Did I put this one in already, here? Why care?

Well, I have a favorite Google instant vetting exhibit, (you could have found it too), involving familiar names:


--------snip, you get the picture ----------

With that file in the Anoka County courthouse, Bill Goodrich could cross the street and have a look. If he has not already, as part of vetting.

This one gets the name Todd J. Christopherson. At a familiar address. This is intersting. More "Amcons" than you can shake a stick at.

I would hope that diligent council members [wearing council hats or HRA hats] would want to know how exactly the Lot 5 buyer was found, and vetted.

That $1.7 million dollar judgment debt, it's more than Ramsey's paid Landform.


Here, you can look up the civil court docket,

Case 02-CV-10-6433

(civil), it is that easy. Give it a try.

And remember, it was James F. Winkels, who signed for an LLC, as "Partner," which returns us full circle to out headline query. It was McGlone and Ulrich who signed on behalf of Ramsey/HRA. After vetting, I would hope.