
Saturday, September 01, 2012

Sometimes you trust the market by its pricing, to tell you where to find quality, or not.

This link. Here.

CENSORSHIP: Did you know that Ramsey tax dollars are going toward Darren's folks raking leaves, i.e., putting up and maintaining a Facebook COR tout-site, allegedly for the City's benefit; but where they admit to stifling dissent and/or commentary posting negative assessment?

What do they want? Don' worry, ... ?

These pages below are from the Ramsey HRA Aug. 28, 2012 agenda. And that's a cash drain, without any justification re cost/benefit shown, proven, or of record beyond Darren writing that it is a positive thing - in his mind, no evidence given. 400 to 500 Facebook "friends." Wow. So impressive it leaves you speechless.

And Landform's COR folks appear to be deliberately censoring opinion to where if you don't like it and comment accordingly, you get your comments scrubbed - it is admitted in the item below:

If this were some firm selling pig bellies, and censoring out anything but "be happy" content ... But it isn't. It is City of Ramsey huckstering through a hired huckstering firm; censoring a city "resource."

End it. It offends concepts of reasonable and open citizen dialog.

If Ramsey is paying for Landform's maintaining the site, you don't limit it to only "Darren's great, council is better" content.

Yesterday would not be soon enough to take down that site and keep it dead. Propaganda has no place, especially where bias can arise from it, during an election year. It is improper.

In simplest terms: Do you like the idea of paying a consultant to propagandize you?

Everything beyond that are nuances of propaganda and censorship. The waste of the Facebook thing is its essence.

Indeed, do you like the idea of paying over a million to a single consultancy from the time Look [before changing horses midstream] and his friends on council made Ramsey into a land speculator - developer?

Ramsey was not that before the fiscal conservatives took office in majority numbers.

This page of read-it-and-weep Ramsey spending excess - did somebody really say "fiscal conservatives?" Where? Who? Name three. Money down the rabbit hole, year after year, looking much like a mad hatter's Tea Party to me ---

Okay. So nobody is fooled by terminology, miscellaneous professional services, that I believe means Darren. He holds professional credentials of some kind, letter abbreviations he puts after his name sometimes on papers or on the web. Landform does employ PE engineers on its payroll. And Ehlers. Professional bean counters. Legal means mostly Bray, and the Flaherty paperwork, as it is; unless I am wrong. There is some expense to clearing horsed up title issues left over from Nedegaard. COR marketing probably means mainly VEGAS with a bit more mixed in. That stretched silk screened fabric COR prop behind Nelson and Lazan in the photo in the post below; COR marketing expense.

Notice that VEGAS is not broken out as a separate line item. Get rid of Landform, get rid of VEGAS, staunch the cash drain. Get rid of Ramsey being banker of last resort for out of state Crabgrass. There is bonding just yesterday as a perk for Flaherty. Fixing Armstrong is postponed. Get back on an even keel where town officials worry about the roads more than playing developer with public cash.