
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ramsey - the election cannot be over soon enough. Stories in images. Do you want paranoia mongering or spreadsheet accuracy?

First, images, plus one caption, one link; start with screen captures:


COR services - not special interests?
check out the spreadsheet that does not lie

Bending an old saying, "Truth is truer than fiction."

A speculation: An appearance I see, but one that can be challenged, is a bunch of Ramsey incumbents and allied wannabes (and hangers on) looking at the primary election results, heaving a collective sigh, and adapting a collective strategy, "With that whomping, we better run against the bogey man."

Wayne B's empty slogan, "This election is not for sale," ignores it can conveniently be given the wrong folks out of a combination of pure stupidity and disinformation.

Trust numbers.

If this nefarious PAC conspiracy spends five figure money on signs and a mailing or two, which is probable because of the inevitable expense of campaigning even for nonpartisan contests in an exurban town and county; then ask yourself, where did seven figure money go, for what, how was the spending on the receiving end accounted for, and who arranged it? And if you think a handful of Ramsey residents such as Bill Erhart or Natalie Steffen are going to reach even six figure spending in exercising their legal First Amendment rights ramping toward election day, get your head examined.

Harold Hamilton is the one with the big statewide Taxpayer League PAC, and the one wanting to hide where the money comes from and where it goes.

Moreover, if you like Jim Deal's step-by-step additions to tax base in Ramsey, you agree with Wayne Buchholz, who appreciates it "as a veteran." (Deal built and owns the VA clinic building, promptly pays its property taxes, and rents it to the VA.)

Trust numbers or buy into glib fictions, either way you only get one vote.


More numbers: Email screen captures, official data disclosure request responses, on bonding for Flaherty; and SAC and WAC charge compromises for Flaherty; with Landform due a commission if/when a deal was closed [as always, click images to enlarge and read]:

Darren says one thing right.

Flaherty's situation is unprecedented.