
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Should Kurt Bills enlist Katherine Kersten to rescue his campaign, or are the naysayers correct? Begger his campaign and then say, "I told you so."

Trust me.
City Pages on Bills, where Brodkorb dumps on him, then Dave Wellstone, and all with the first linked item ending:

"It's time that the rest of the GOP understands this. It's time to pull all resources from this race and re-deploy them to other races where we have a shot," [GOP pundit Jeff] Kolb continues. "Every dollar spent, every phone call made, and every yard sign placed for Kurt Bills between now and November will be wasted."

Our guy, yeah, but off to the rendering plant, in August? The heat will just ripen the corpse? And in the north metro, we have our sour-grapes on the vine too. His dog in the hunt, Pete Hegseth, never intended to get the nomination and be swamped by Klobuchar. Always he was establishing name recognition for a run at Franken. AAA scoffs at that analysis, but, wait and see.

With such friends in his own party, does Bills need any DFL enemies?