
Friday, August 03, 2012

Rebranding - Microsoft and its Windows 8 METRO interface dilemma. A modest but helpful thought.

Reporting is that Microsoft will be dropping its proposed "METRO" designation for the Windows 8 interface design, something we have all seen by now, looking like this:

See, e.g., here, here, here, and here. Or do a websearch = microsoft metro rebrand*

If it is on the web it has to be true.

My solution, humbly offered, is to use both an airport and a workforce analogy, sequentially doing so being best.

So, as an airport directs you to one gate or another, the main opening interface - and the entire interface itself - should be named GATES.

Each block on the opening GATES interface then is itself a gate.

Once you select a gate, you can then get a presentation of tasks - called in this proposal, JOBS.

This GATES and JOBS interface proposal should infringe on nobody, and all should be happy with such rebranding. The sun will shine brighter and birds will sing sweeter. It is a win-win thing, for Win8.

So, ask me where did I get my marketing degree.

I even have marketing logo ideas - two embodiments being:

Who could ever object to any such ideas?