
Monday, August 13, 2012

RAMSEY: Jeff Wise seems to only half-heartedly be running for reelection.

I do not have a photo to show for it yet, but the trioka sign grouping of choice for GOP members/allies seems to be Look, McGlone and lawyer Joe Field. Drive around. Check it out.

As to Wise, this link. This is not throwing stones at Jeff for optimizing the pecuniary and location aspects of moving his business, that is what the Constitutional principle of not taking private property without due process of law generally means. Making the Armstrong modification does impact Jeff's present location, and whether it needs to be a total taking or a partial taking, and the nuances of each as case law has developed is moot if parties can negotiate a purchase short of eminent domain litigation. And impact to a business, its goodwill aspects can be argued in drawn out judicial proceedings so it is best to see if mutuality can be negotiated. Whether Jeff is accorded some kind of "bonus" amount for city purchase of his current location can be debated because land appraisal is more art and guesswork than science. So cut Jeff slack on a situation that is not something he caused - rerouting Armstrong simply carries consequences, and impact on Jeff's current business location is one of them. Given the safety and emergency transit benefits of fixing the Armstrong situation by the rail tracks, the project benefits the general community, and impact on Jeff is an unavoidable aspect. In council proceedings where impact on Jeff is an issue he has regularly recused himself and/or been excluded. What council members discuss among themselves when not transacting city business is something of which I have no personal knowledge, and I decline to publish any of my speculations. In short, don't blame Jeff for seeking a good deal.

That said, it appears tomorrow's primary will reduce the field for the at large seat on council to John LeTourneau and Joe Field. I have voted absentee for LeTourneau, yet I know Jason Tossey supports Field and regards him as a personal friend; much as Strommen in running for mayor is a friend of me and my family.

Seeing the Joe Field campaign signs so frequently with Look and McGlone signs was a factor, but a minor factor in my decision making, and I do not suggest others should regard that coincidence as either positive or negative toward Field. I have never met the man and have no basis to either tout or discount his credibility as a candidate for office.

I have personal feelings and guesses, but nothing I would post as suggestive either way on whether Field would make a good council member.

In addition, I believe I may have met John LeTourneau once, perhaps twice, but I never have had any substantive discussions with him and likely could not pick him out of a crowd. Hence, I made my Ramsey at large choice as a largely uninformed decision, aided by discussions with friends.

I really did not find checking either the Field or LeTourneau websites super helpful in deciding, but I DID look. And I came away from that more convinced that I was correct in feeling more favorable toward LeTourneau than Field. From the city's online election page:

John LeTourneau
14607 Bowers Drive NW

Joe Field
8021 – 152nd Lane NW

Aside from Wise still on the ballot as seeking reelection, I consider the other candidates besides LeTourneau and Field as "also ran" choices, and I believe vote counts will show that. Wise has declined to publish a campaign website.

NOTE: I have not discussed Landform with either Field or LeTourneau, and each has declined to specifically respond to emailed questions of mine about the Charter and altering it to make recall of a mayor or council member easier and to put in strong Charter bars against conflict of interest; although LeTourneay did acknowledge receiving the email, and personably writing, but without taking a position on Charter amendment thinking. Field made no response. Because he lists no email with the city I sent the question to his business email, and perhaps it got caught in a non-client spam filter. Towberman took time to acknowledge the email question, but also declined to take a position on the Charter question. I do not know if any of the candidates beyond Wise, with a voting record, would favor keeping the contract going with Landform or ending it. My hope would be for new faces at the council table in January inclined to end it, but aside from the Ward 2 election where Kuzma has stated views on issues, I have no basis to predict that.

Gut level, LeTourneau. Field's participation in sign parade flocking makes me believe he is allied to a status quo on council that involves Landform indulgence despite what appears to be a clear cost-benefit balance favoring cutting off the cash drain; and that actually does speak more to me than I stated above.

LeTourneau would be fresh blood added to the mix, and without his campaign sign adjacent to Colin McGlone's all over town.

I drive Sunwood from Ramsey Blvd. toward Coborns, and I see Jim Deal having Strommen, Lister, LeTourneau and Chris Riley signs, and my heart and mind both lean that way. Again, while I do not know LeTourneau, I have people whose opinions I value saying he'd be good, but then one person  whose opinion I value suggests Field would be good, so - which advice do I agree with?

Again, a gut level call, LeTourneau.

Wise is off my chart because of his consistent pro-Landform and pro-Flaherty voting record. This election should be a referendum on Landform, and the cash drain it has been without any real return but Flaherty's uber-subsidized rental thing where the city puts more up front bond capital at risk than Flaherty's own out of pocket promoter capital contribution. It is not and never was a proper function of a municipality to lend millions to a private adventurer aiming to become Ramsey's biggest landlord, and to profit greatly from that adventure. If Flaherty wants to chase profits in Ramsey, let him risk his own up-front money doing it. Isn't that how capitalism is supposed to work? Wise voted to give Flaherty free parking with a ramp paid by public [taxed] money; to pick up the tab for sewer and water to Flaherty's adventure when regular folks have to pay such extremely high fees for themselves when connecting to sewer-water, and then Wise voted to put Ramsey folks in debt on multi-million dollar bonding, for Flaherty's benefit.

Wise has those three strikes, and should leave the batter's box and go back to his dugout.

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Regarding sign flocks, birds of a feather ...