
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Pawlenty. Allegations of funny money dealings while in Minnesota politics. And what, the man declined to release tax returns. Put him on the Romney ticked yesterday. He can mirror the boss.

Brian Lambert, MinnPost's "The Glean," this link.

photo credit - Strib carrying AP feed, here.

The AP feed Strib carried in mid-July was before Harry Reid raised the basic question Pawlenty presumes as a given:

Says Pawlenty: "I don't think there's any secret to the fact that Mitt Romney has been successful and he's achieved success and he's paid a lot of taxes."

I don't think there's any secret to the likelihood, Pawlenty has not a shred or evidence on which he can hang any such assertion. One year, 14%, is public knowledge.

Beyond that, I expect Romney has not shared his tax returns with Pawlenty. Would you?

UPDATE: Guardian, here and here. It's that job thing. Again. Bad taste action leaving the public with a bad taste.