
Friday, August 10, 2012

Game fair at Armstrong Kennels, in Ramsey.

Read Sakry's ABC Newspaper report, for details.

Also, this Google.


Be there both weekends, so the politicians hanging around have someone to talk to besides each other. This weekend, see the primary contestants; next weekend, see the survivors. Think of that as resembling reality TV, but in the flesh, face-to-face.

Vote next Tuesday, Aug. 14.

Here for Ramsey election info, including a precinct polling place map, here. Also: If you have any questions please contact our City Clerk, Jo Thieling at 763-433-9840 or email

I believe that candidate website and contact info has been updated by the City Clerk, so if you have any need or desire to contact a candidate or learn more about who is who, check things out - again, this city website link.