
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

SUNWOOD-ONWARD: Fixing Armstrong first seems to make sense. So why is the council majority and Lazan pushing altering Sunwood within Town Center first?

Does Lazan's commission structure play a role? Sunwood gets rerouted, and unlikely as it is Lazan closes something beyond the Wiser Choice dealings, or he closes that, and cash flows into Landform coffers.

Hopefully, in January there will be a thorough review of the entire Landform experiment, whether to bag it or continue. Lazan is bright ehough to see that possibility, so in his place, wanting to maximize profits, what would you do?

Again, why Sunwood?

Why not Armstrong?

Armstrong is where the train crossing is dangerous.

Armstrong is where an overpass will aid emergency response between the sides of Highway 10 despite train passages. So all logic says fix Armstrong.

Make the effort to get the cash for that. It is where the community's general interest lies.

Roads rule. Fix traffic. Not more cash down the Town Center rathole, as first and foremost in thought. Not as priority numero uno. It makes no sense.

Armstrong can be fixed and a Sunwood change can be attached anytime, later, it is simple. Wiser Choice facing a business interruption is something we in Ramsey could live with; and were it to happen Jeff would be entitled to compensation. It does seem Jeff's friends on council want to avoid that, and you cannot blame Jeff for wanting it too. Jeff does not have to move until Armstrong is worked on, and this council seems to be prioritizing having Sunwood done to facilitate a relocation as a higher priority than the safety of doing Armstrong first and ASAP.

Readers with suggestions of why my analysis may be wrong are encouraged to add a comment of cogent thinking about why the sequencing is as it is -- a putsch for Sunwood being fast-tracked; Armstrong back-burnered.