
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another site reporting on the Johnny Northside appellate opinion also contained this.

Johnny Northside coverage, here. And from there it led here. Bless the Libertarian party in Washington State. They have a perspective on things. It reminds me how the Ron Paul backers got all the elector seats and Tampa convention rights, and how Huizenga stepped aside so that Michele Bachmann could go - I think I have that right, it might be only for the Sixth District, but at any rate Huizenga deferred to Bachmann, and some thought this a betrayal. I thought it a brilliant stratagem, given how Sarah Palin was not invited and what's the GOP convening without at least one batshit crazy woman of consequence in attendance? It would have been like the London Olympics excluding the Queen. UPDATE: A reader claimed I am defaming the Queen. However, Michele Bachmann is to the Republican Party of Minnesota what the Queen is to Britain. A figurehead.

photo credit: Avidor, at Dumpbachmann.