
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Andy at Residual Forces is at it again.

This link. Sure. He's there to praise Caesar, not to bury him. Make that Bills - who is no Caesar to start with. With friends like that Bills does not need enemies.

The dissembling of it is that Andy's dog in the hunt, Pete Hegseth, only wanted to make an "I told you so, it should have been me," showing, while smartly not wanting to get the party endorsement to be thrown under the Klobuchar bus.

Hegseth never really was barking up Klobuchar's tree. He always was thinking about Al. Barking "Klobuchar, Klobuchar," while peeing at the base of Al's tree.

In short, Hegseth clearly was positioning himself for a run against Franken, who lacks Klobuchar's popularity, and only a fool would miss that or try to obscure the fact.

Look for it to play out exactly that way when the Franken seat is up for reelection. The sadness of it is Franken's been okay, nobody's perfect, but Klobuchar has strength that Hegseth had sense enough to avoid; while posturing.

Let us hope when the Al seat (really still the Wellstone seat) is again in play that Al does not get "Oberstared" by falling asleep at the switch. By helping many others and letting the home base slide. By not blocking home plate and making the tag.

One expects the lesson of Ambush at CD 8 will not be forgotten in DFL circles.

Was Hegseth a sniper while in service? Seems there's that stealth-seeking personality trait, with Amy being a "Thank you, no, I will wait for next time," target -- one with invincible firepower in return.

Call the man "Live to fight another day Pete." Watch it happen.