
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

A Flaherty rental-by-the-rails stone wall ...

Looking west, from city hall plaza area.
Not unlike the metaphorical stonewall erected around the McGlone wife's hiring and pay, it blocks out sunshine. This one is real and will cut down much of the winter light on Sunwood's sidewalk. It will make the street more of a winter wind canyon than at present. It will loom over the sidewalk, as apparent from this next photo. Looking west from the easternmost end of the ramp.

Sidewalk south edge highlighted.

Next, from the first floor inside the ramp, looking east-northeast, the top of the Jim Deal Plaza building visible - for now. Only for now. Soon the wall is far higher than the present scaffolding.

The bigness of it will loom ugly.

UPDATE: Just as the ramp itself casts that dark shadow in the third photo, under an early August sun, you can imagine the greater mid-winter darkness within the ramp and on Sunwood, once Flaherty's had his way. The bright side being Darren gets a big commission, Flaherty gets free SAC and WAC, free parking, and the city putting more at risk in loaned risk capital than Flaherty's own out of pocket up front entrepreneurial risk capital. So with such upside, we can put up with the darkness and dreariness of the big thing? They say so. Not that we were ever asked ...