
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

TARRYL CLARK -and- Keeping informed about progressive thinking in Minnesota. Thinking that will make the "Minnehampshire" guy who ambushed Oberstar a single term Tea Partier.

View the video. This link.
The guy that way-laid Obestar has Tea Partied with his New Hampshire family while Clark has been in Minnesota thinking of ways to make Minnesotan lives more secure and less worrisome as unemployment threatens such basic human rights as being able to attain medical help, whether employed or not, and having the overall national costs of medicine and medical care contained by reasonable single payer coverage.

Medicare works for the elderly.

Senior citizens do not at all think giving it up would be good for the nation. They stand up for their rights.

VA coverage works for veterans.

Veterans do not at all think their giving up VA coverage would be good for the nation. Like the elderly, veterans also stand up for their rights.

And the elderly and veterans clearly are spot-on correct and right-headed about what is both good for them, and for the entire nation.

Now the doors to such rights need to be open to all. Such a reform is long overdue. It has been only HMO and Big Pharma greed and lobbying that has stymied this need for decades, (with Truman after World War II wanting sensible coverage, and it being stalled and stymied then, and ever since).

Clark now is advocating such an enlightened and humane way of politics beyond the politics of DC lobbyists with tons of money and beyond Tea Party politics of hate and blind rage.

But in fairness, let Clark's writing explain things her way, rather than having you told of things second-hand, as I or as GOP propagandists might misstate or distort points. From

Without abridgment or other editing, she's posted this:

Tarryl Clark calls for “Medicare for All” following Supreme Court Ruling on Healthcare Reform

Opening access to Medicare to all Americans would cost less than other insurance, guarantee quality care

For immediate release June 25th, 2012
Contact: Chris Kluthe (952) 994-9316

(Duluth, MN) – Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling this morning upholding the Affordable Care Act, 8th District Congressional Candidate Tarryl Clark urged Congress to pass Medicare for All, which would allow all Americans access to the popular Medicare healthcare insurance.

“Congressman Cravaack has already announced his commitment to putting big, for-profit health insurance companies back in charge of our healthcare, letting them return to denying coverage to people with asthma or cancer, and blocking women’s access to cancer screenings,” said Clark. “Now that we are sure the Affordable Care Act is constitutional, it’s time to move on and get to work containing healthcare costs.”

“If elected to Congress, I promise to fight for Medicare for All,” added Clark. “Medicare has by far the lowest overhead of any insurance out there, and this proposal would guarantee everyone access to quality healthcare without any question of its constitutionality. Together with other cost saving measures like negotiating drug prices, this will help bring skyrocketing medical costs under control.”

Medicare is overwhelmingly popular. July 2011 Pew Research pol found that 88% of Americans support Medicare -- including 85% of Republicans, 85% of Independents, and 93% of Democrats. According to the New York Times, Medicare is also less expensive than private insurance thanks to lower administration costs and its focus on patient care instead of corporate profits.

“This election gives voters a clear choice. I support Medicare for All while my Republican opponent Congressman Chip Cravaack supports Paul Ryan's plan to end Medicare,” noted Clark.

Tarryl Clark continues to campaign throughout Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District to unseat Freshman Tea Party Congressman Chip Cravaack. Clark’s twenty-four years of work on behalf of Minnesota’s seniors, children, veterans, and families, and unmatched funding make her the strongest candidate to win in November. Since leaving the Minnesota Senate, Clark serves as the national co-chair of the Jobs! 21 Initiative with the Blue-Green Alliance, where she continues working to create good, sustainable jobs in Minnesota and around the country.
Posted on June 28, 2012

[Links are from the Clark original] If Medicare coverage is good enough for seniors, isn't it good enough for you?

Isn't it better than being kept on tenderhooks, "for your own good" by collusive employer-insurer "don't-lose-your-job-or-you're-screwed-blue" plans?

Of course it is.

Again, the video.

For anyone thinking my own views extreme, (e.g., that everybody should have the healthcare decency that veterans and senior citizens enjoy), and who might think my views are Clark's, things are not that simple.

We converge on some medicare thinking, but she has a spectrum of ideas that are not a bit controversial, except for overreaching by the other side, and those thoughts deserve voter attention.

And her family is here in Minnesota and backing her 100%.

Even with her campaign in a neighboring district where we do not vote; READ THIS.

Clark intently wants to keep decent jobs here while her Tea Party opponent is wanting to ship offshore whatever good jobs we have that can be outsourced.

Clark is an independent thinker while her opponent has shown a willingness to submit to party leadership directives rather than to analyze and vote independently.

Clark is a better person to trust to be a twenty-first century Congressperson with a belief the nation is excellent yet can be bigger and better with her effort and effort by others, while her opponent wants to make the government smaller and less civil to all but the rich and the warrior bunch who have led us into two disasters against the Muslim world and are courting a third such mistake.