
Friday, July 06, 2012

Remember Norm Coleman -- the close election loss, the allegations about Kazeminy buying Coleman expensive suits as an improper gift and allegations of Norm being accorded discounted rent in DC by a crony, as well as allegations of Kazeminy routing money to Norm via Norm's wife Laurie, ostensibly earned as a generally prevailing fair compensation for services, with that money routed through Hays Companies as an intermediary? Norm lost that election when his response was to fume and rant, and ...

... inadvisably stonewall.

Those were the days. Everybody read about it. One would have expected back then, with that as a background event receiving such widespread coverage and disapprobation, that no savvy politician in the future would dare put himself/herself into any similar situation, spousal favors, gift problems, all that. That there would be a learning curve.