
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ramsey racoon lights up, plunging town into last night's darkness.

photo credit
Connexus circulated a robocall, good use of the thing this time, that reached the household minutes ago. One dead racoon, electrocuted to where there's no more mischief in the critter, but it shut down TV and workstations here, as well as lights, the refirgerator and the well pump.

For a few hours at most. But it was at the Connexus substation that apparently supplies all or most of Ramsey. Whether only one distribution region was whacked out or the entire distribution grid from the Connexus site suffered is unclear. I've heard of racoons raiding homesites to where they suffer "red-dot disease," but electrocution is an entire step up. Lucky for Connexus line and service workers it was not a moose. Even luckier, it was not one of them.