
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who is this pack of devils, using your money to propagandize you?

MPR, this link. They are who you would have guessed they'd be. Brian Lambert doing his MinnPost gleaning, said it best:

I’m sure you’ve been following this one. Tom Scheck of MPR says: “The Office of Administrative hearings ruled today that a case accusing Republicans in the Minnesota Senate of using taxpayer money for campaign literature may go forward. An administrative law panel ruled that all but one of the complaints against the Senate Republican Caucus, 15 Senate Republicans and the spokesman for the Senate GOP may continue. The DFL Party filed the complaint in February after several senators handed out pamphlets at precinct caucuses. Those leaflets outlined the legislative successes of the first year in power for Senate Republicans but also linked to websites that solicited political contributions. Democrats argued the pamphlets violated state law that prohibits using taxpayer money to campaign for office.” Lord, I hope this isn’t distracting anyone from the Brodkorb case.

Ah yes, the Minnesota Senate Republicans. The glorious Senate Republicans. Using your money for legal fees for mopping up their vulnerability to litigation over how they treated one of their once-treasured own, the wonderful Mr. Brodkorb, who could have been fired for cause for simply being who he is. But instead - the Republican way - he was fired for -- well you know all that. With pomp and circumstances, spite and venom, late evening in a restaurant.

Can you imagine, "Okay now Brodkorb, enjoy your meal." It is obvious why many of them are against bullying reform. They like their ways and want no part of changing themselves.

Bottom line: They bleat fiscal conservatism. They make it a public mantra. They posture and they pose. They criticize taxing. They then next spend your taxed money on - [1] defending their screw-up with Brodkorb; [2] propagandizing you on how fiscally conservative you should believe they are. Bless the DFL for calling that propaganda effort what it was, illegal as well as an unneeded and outrageous insult to taxpayers.

I await Phil Krinkie's public expression of disdain for such conduct. For him to appear honest in things related to wasted tax money you have to expect that from Krinkie. Right?