
Friday, June 08, 2012

RAMSEY - Our city council by a narrow 4-3 margin voted to spend millions in extending credit to Flaherty and Collins, and to issue millions of dollars in city bonds so that Flaherty's firm could build this, for the enjoyment of others besides current taxpayers on the hook for those bonds.

Perhaps we others, the current residents in Ramsey, should establish an "I Wanna Cabana" club. If we re-elect them, (those on council who voted for this extravagant luxury), do you suppose all the rest of us would get what Flaherty got, with a role reversal; Flaherty extending the credit and us as beneficiaries? Do pigs fly?

Image source: Strib online, this link.

I am uncertain why the artist for Flaherty did not do a mid-January pool rendering. Perhaps then potential renters might ask about what they are being asked to pay, per square foot of apartment space, which seems to be the best way to judge a deal, as long as you compare two places with community activity amenities that are equivalent, and each lodging is rat-free. Some say no rental can be rat free, as that would imply absence of a landlord.