
Friday, June 01, 2012


Eariler, I posted info reported by Sakry of ABC Newspapers on council candidate filings, here.

This is an addendum. When Sakry reported there then had been no filings for Ward 4 (which will be an open seat because Strommen, currently the Ward 4 rep, has filed to run for mayor).

Today the City Clerk confirmed information I had received:

Chris Riley, who is on Ramsey's EDA, yesterday morning filed to run for Council, specifically for the Ward 4 seat. So at this point every seat up this election has at least one person who has filed.

I do not know Riley but I have heard from one city official that he is bright and has been helpful to the City in his EDA role. And that he would be a good person to have on council. I trust the source of that opinion enough to publish about it, but I neglected to pin down whether it was an on record or off the record opinion, with regard to attribution. Take it as from "a trusted source."

A second equally "trusted source" disagrees on Riley, suggesting he might be too close to Jim Deal to be an optimal choice for being on council. I do not know Riley. If I saw him shopping at Coborn's I would not know it because I do not even know what the gentleman looks like. I have been told he is an accountant, with the Wells restaurant-catering folks as a business client. I have no cause to doubt that, nor to independently know whether it in fact is true. As far as Chris Riley's service on the EDA, if that body's activities were broadcast regularly on QCTV, all of us in Ramsey would have a better information base, be better informed, in voting.