
Monday, June 18, 2012

Fox tries, Fox lies, nobody buys. Is it that nobody except the intellectually challenged pays attention to Fox (apart from Fox sports, where broadcasting local baseball IS both credible and useful - Fox Sports has the ugly step-sister).

This link if you care to follow the story links or review reader comments. The screenshot captures the gist of it. As always click the image to enlarge and read. The Gallup link is worth including -- half of Republicans blame Bush.

Two other interesting poll results, here and here. And some may want to say or think Romney if elected would be no different than Bush. I tend to equate Romney to Cheney, not to Bush. Cheney understood the ethic of corporate raiding, and along with his secret cabal practiced an oil patch Darth-Raider version, (including inducing fruitless oil wars with Romney looking poised to do the same). I expect an election with Romney being the cobra, Obama the mongoose. Obama dodging all the myriad slung venom, ultimately having a lunch.