
Friday, June 15, 2012

As with lawyer money for covering for their misdeeds and mismanagement with Brodkorb, Minnesota Repbulicans are intent on finding a way to waste more tax money on lawyer-fee money. Sure they say they are job creators, primarily for their croney lawyers; not for the 99% (which includes the lower-upper and middle classes, i.e., all but the unreasonably powerful and rich who run and fund the class war against all the rest of us).

Image from here.
Brodkorb, the latest, here. Voter-ID waste atop that, here.

When will it stop? That elephant is getting heavy.

And it is not sitting on any fat cat. It's you carrying the weight, so grin and bear it.  How's this for a Q and A?

Q. Who's bringing a three legged stool to the legislature?

A. Troves of Republican lawyers, for milking their cash cows.