
Monday, June 11, 2012

Anoka County Board Elections - There is nothing really "unusual' with several people chasing an easy fat paycheck.

And that's what it is all about when four "fiscal conservatives" get into the octagon (figuratively speaking). I don't know the exact amount for county board pay, but my understanding is it pays substantially more than service in the legislature, and the work is less. Fat city, relative to slogging it out in the Minnesota House or Senate, or getting the equivalent of an honorarium for serving on City of Ramsey's council. In terms of a pay/work balance, it's one of the top jobs in the State.

That is at least my read on " 'Unusual' field to challenge Anoka County's Andy Westerberg," online here, stating in opening:

Anoka County Commissioner Andy Westerberg calls himself a fiscal conservative. So imagine his surprise when he learned that all of the other candidates for his County Board seat are also fiscal conservatives -- Debbie Johnson, Julie Braastad and Mike Jungbauer.

"It's unusual," Westerberg said of the field vying to represent District 2, after the candidate filing period closed last week.

The item, authored by Strib's north metro reporter Paul Levy, fleshes out the County Board races that involve primaries:

In Anoka County, two of the races will require an August primary. In District 1, incumbent Matt Look will face off again former county Veterans Services Director Allison Lister, former Ramsey Mayor Tom Gamec and Oak Grove City Council Member Dan Denno.

Look, a former Ramsey City Council member, has been on the County Board for less than 18 months. Gamec was Ramsey's mayor from 1979 to 1984, stepped aside and then was talked into running again in 1996. He was elected and remained mayor until 2007, before retiring again.

Lister, who spent 21 years in the Air Force, chastised County Board members in e-mails sent to all seven commissioners earlier this year. She described the county's leadership as "appalling" and faulted the board for a "complete lack of communication." Despite the memo, several commissioners praised Lister for her work with veterans.

The other primary will be in District 2. Westerberg, a four-term state representative who was elected to the board for the first time in 2010, said he's "excited about the possibility of continuing." [...]

Johnson, a former state senator who says she is the most conservative of the bunch, ran against Westerberg for commissioner two years ago.

"I laid the groundwork in the last race and can't see stepping away now," she said. "I'm more conservative and I have a proven track record that shows that."

But Braastad, a Ham Lake City Council member, says that she is "by far the most conservative" [...]

State Sen. Jungbauer lost the Republican Party endorsement in March to fellow Sen. Michelle Benson on a fifth ballot; redistricting had placed the two in the same district.

Junbauer says his wife wanted him to run for the County Board two years ago and now "I feel the call."

"I'm detailed, I campaign hard and I think I have a wonderful grasp of the issues driving this county," he said. "I don't like the partisan side of politics. I think I'm better suited for county-level government."

Mirror, mirror on the wall.
I'm the most conservative baby-kisser
of them all.
None of them told Levy about the nice paycheck. Each wants to serve, and believes he/she can serve best. Each is capable of cashing that paycheck, or going with a County - bank automatic deposit mechanism. But would you expect any of the pack, especially the career politicians among them, to say "... and the money's pretty good too"? So be it.

I am not at all conservative, so I would be a unique candidate if running, I guess. Besides that, the money's pretty good too. There, somebody said it.