
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Yesterday I heard Brian Olson was leaving Ramsey, and today I got the chance to chat a minute or two with Brian by phone.

I expect over the years everyone in Ramsey has met him at least once and had a chance to talk to Brian, who currently serves as head of Engineering and of Public Works. I remember in particular a Comp. Plan session during the ramp up to Ramsey filing a 2030 plan with Met Council, where we had one subgroup that met in the foyer outside the Alexander Ramsey room at City Hall. The question of cost of sewer and water connection fees for a property with 300 feet of frontage was asked, and without any hesitation or beating around the bush Brian gave a helpful but sobering answer - mid-five figures. Brian always was direct in answering things, with that being a particular instance I recall.

Brian will be leaving Ramsey May 15, moving to City of Edina, where he looks forward to a new set of challenges in line with a city population more than twice Ramsey's, and with its major build-out already done.

Brian wishes everyone well and said he is leaving with some fond memories, from his decade or so serving Ramsey residents. From the City website, contact info for anyone wanting to reach Brian before the 15th is:

Brian Olson
Director of Public Works/
Principal City Engineer
Phone: 763-433-9825