
Friday, May 18, 2012

Turner says that perhaps the most startling find from the study is that the results of the computer scenarios were nearly identical to those predicted in similar computer scenarios used as the basis for "The Limits to Growth." "There is a very clear warning bell being rung here," Turner said. "We are not on a sustainable trajectory."

That quote is from Yahoo news, an item about the next great depression - worse than the one we are in now. This link.

It relates back to the 1972 Club of Rome study, "The Limits to Growth."

The insight of both studies, the one from 1972 and the study reported, is that resource conservation and global warming are all sub problems of population growth beyond sustainability of the planet, and the global economy.

The Chinese have been responsible at capping and controlling population growth. The Bachmann and Santorum families and a bunch of the other Republican fundamentalists, less so. As if having a blind expectation of some supernatural intervention into human growth folly. Or as if it's for others, not their evangelistic ilk. It is a quite selfish world view.

Read the item and web search can get back to information on the original report.

We are overpopulating the planet, it is true now and it is poised to get worse not better.

And it is why we need to pay attention to renewable energy, shepherding our existing resources, and national carbon footprints and carbon emissions regulation.

Lower animals do not foul their nests, and we should not either.