
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A treaty alliance, not a marching group with a single boss, has adopted a sensible Afghan War exit strategy and timetable.

As but one report where readers can do a web search and find many, Strib, carrying a New York Times feed, here.

Certainly there are loud public obstructionists determined under motives of personal gain who will want to criticize and undermine the NATO membership consensus; and in doing so expect such persons to try to gloss over the fact that NATO is an alliance of sovereign states. Such ill-motivated deceivers will be promoting a simplistic and false, "Well, don't we run it" viewpoint; when the fact is we don't.

So much for Governor Romney.

Remember the Balkan Wars during Clinton times were within Europe, with the US participating, by its sovereign choice, in the air war but not providing ground combat forces in any numbers at all parallel to European NATO participation. Remember, it was mainly the Europeans that engineered the Libyan change of government. The Obama administration played only a preliminary air-power role. That is independent of questions of planning for the coup, which was behind closed doors where US citizens lack public knowledge of roles assumed by the various governments and their foreign policy representatives prior to the coup being effectuated. NATO is and has always been an alliance where consensus can be reached and amended, collectively. The galling thing is Romney knows this, but is talking as if it is not the existing truth. That is duplicitous and dangerous, both at the same time. In post-World World Two years the US was the strongest and dominant NATO member. That was because Europe than had been ravaged by years of total war on European soil. Things evolve over time. This is 2012, not 1947.