
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

There was Stuxnet. Now Flame is reported. Is it cyberwarfare, and if so, with what consequences to web users in the States?

This link. Here.

UPDATE: One question, was discovery of this allegedly sophisticated 20 meg malware around for years related in any way to the recent out of sequence Microsoft Update patches?

That was the update that, for a time, once completed relaunched saying there were update files, etc., until Microsoft fixed the relaunch bug. It involved a number of .NET patches, client side, and Server 2003, I believe.

The server side, whether Server 2008 was affected, do your own web search if you care. I recall reading it was Server 2003 being the vulnerable server side software.

Don't you just love these people, even when they grope you at the airport?

White House spokesman Jay Carney declined to comment, as did a spokesman for the CIA. Officials at the Defense Department referred questions to the Department of Homeland Security. A spokesman there said the agency has been made aware of the malware and was working to analyze its potential impact on the United States.

That's double-speak to the press carried to a new artistic level. "... working to analyze its potential impact on the United States," can mean anything ranging from either a proactive and protective consideration for citizen and business privacy, to a "how can we use it ourselves to better watch the locals" mentality. Ambiguity within a government is never a reassuring thing.