
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

STADIUM GAMES. I have to give the Republicans credit where credit is due. On the Stadium bill, aside from lame-duck basket case Jungbauer, others voted no.

The decisive vote to me was on the user fee financing. And the establishment ramming things through did what they could to sabotage it, and succeeded. Benson voted for the people, for the people's intent, were they to be allowed a referendum, which cynically was denied. Kruse voted for the people. Jungbauer did not. He on his way out the door to chase Andy Westerberg's paycheck voted for Wilfare. Remember that, in Anoka County, Westerberg's district. I have no idea how Westerberg, were he still in the legislature would have voted. I doubt he would touch the issue with a present publicly stated opinion. But Jungbauer is a known entity. For Wilfare.

The unions do not care about non-union jobs, non-union workers. They want us to support their FIFO teacher situation and the public employee status quo, and Wilfare since it's ephemeral jobs where the construction paid for by the government could be for building something socially useful and truly needed, instead.

The unions don't care a fig really, about taxing the rich fairly if they get their bones thrown off the table to them, off the table of the 1%, while the 1% have the feast at their expense and despise them and mock them with so-called "right-to-work" proposals.

It is unsettling. It is wrong.

Drunks indulging in pull-tab gambling in rural bars is not my idea of what the State should be advancing, in particular where the Governor promised tax-the-rich, and is delivering Wilfare along with the Tavern League and its influential lobbyist corp.

Lied to? Seems so. But my God, the other side ran Emmer. Emmer!

Emmer as if having a death wish.

But holding to the present, the local Republicans have the high ground on this stadium hummer. If they only have the balls to kill it in conference or on voting in one or both chambers after conference. I don't see that in Zellers or Dean, however, but I hope I am wrong. My guess, given that "roof ready" dreck, neither Zellers nor Dean have the courage to say no and see Zygi move the team and in that event saying, "I knew it might happen but I followed my conscience." I hope I am proven wrong on that.

Clearly, none of the clown-pack majority dares to have a referendum. It is obscene.