
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Republican Big Tent [circus] in Minnesota, besides being broke, is in disarray with some blaming Ron Paul folks over claims of intransigent control of spoils. And then for a compare and contrast, there is Ohio.

Minnesota, the complaints over the Paul faction payback for the last cycle when party insiders then in their zenith exclusively shunned Paul disciples - e.g., here and here, sequential posts.

So, what's this about the GOP big tent in Ohio? Not big enough when the elephant egos get to bumping and stomping; e.g., here and here.

FBI involvement in an Ohio internal-GOP death match? This Google.

Am I wrong, but doesn't this kind of stuff go on nationwide, both parties, and how does it differ from legislative log rolling? If bribery is offering a trade of something of value for a reciprocal political favor, what's it mean for a legislative conversation, I will support your bill if you support my amendment to this other bill? Or a government-consultancy relationship established where an involved legislator might procure a favorable grant? Where should the line be drawn over such hypotheticals?

Regarding sore-loser griping about the Paul folks' conduct, can any reader help on the question of how Ron Paul, himself, and the Ron Paul supporters were treated by the then controlling insiders, last election? I am inexpert about such internal GOP stuff, but to an outsider it seems tit-fot-tat may be at play.