
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Latest from Senator Rick.

By email, this opening screenshot:

Well, Senator Rick should do things the old fashioned way, like Michele and Newt. Go hat in hand to Romney, privately discuss the campaign debt, and publicly do not mention it while publicly endorsing Romney as the greatest chance America has to get out from under the grinding wheel of Obama Socialism.

Come on Senator Rick. You can do it. Why be more prideful than Michele or Newt? Do you think you're better than them, or what?

That is WHAT you should be doing next, regardless of whatever mischief you are cooking up and alluding to in emailing ...

Your etch-a-sketch has a new blanked beginning. So seize the day. There's a bit of Blanche Dubois in every career politician. Find it in your inner-Rick. Exploit it. It is not as if asking a thing of the Mittster. It is relying on an act of  "generosity of strangers" with Mitt stranger than your donors in some ways, clearly not in others. More estranged - phrase it that way. But that happened on a two-way etch-a-sketch only-one-true-conservative Jesus-loves-me street. Tell Mitt his policy can be the phone book, his platform Book of Mormon, but you're on board. On board 110% as another of the 1%. He'd understand. Do it now.

Earlier Sayings of Senator Rick. He finds it amazing people are giving him their money. Something like that. Not surprised, nor quelled while amazed, he asks for more. It's hard to turn down. As part of "a grassroots family" there's the feeling of letting Senator Rick down -  when he pleads his case so convincingly:

That closing coming off the sidelines part, it reminds me of Adam Sandler's Water Boy. Senator Rick even looks like Sandler, though less sharp, less aware. He could have done that film. Or Forrest Gump.