
Thursday, May 17, 2012

IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION: If you want to run, you have to file.

This link, ABC Newspapers reporting re State House and Senate candidate filing.

NOTE the filing dates have been moved up because of the change in when primary voting is held. It appears the information is identical for filing for an Anoka County Board seat, and for filing for one of the seats on the Ramsey City Council that will be contested. (I have seen nothing to contradict a possible Ramsey Ward 2 resident filing for running in the ward, running for mayor, running at large, and aside from the city council, filing for County Board District 1. Filing that way entails credibility problems, but with the bow-out grace period for a day or two after filing closes, one could file that way and then drop out, for all but one out of four).

Aside from that unlikely hypothetical: Anoka County Elections info is online, here. City of Ramsey elections info, here. Note the screen captures below; respectively from online here, and here. [highlighting added, click a thumbnail image to enlarge and read]

For the county board and city council, besides doing screen captures, I have sent email inquiry to the county election office, and to Ramsey's City Clerk, who supervises election matters. That step was to assure that no material changes exist and that website information remains current.

While posting the above, the County Election office sent an email response, including as a courtesy an e-copy of the below information, as published by the county previously, per law, in a newspaper of general circulation within the county:

County election officials note that filing will be "during business hours" which would NOT include holidays when county offices are closed [Memorial Day]. This, from the opening link, authored by Peter Bodley:

The filing period begins at 8 a.m. May 22 and runs through 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, except for Monday, May 28 when government offices will be closed for the Memorial Day weekend.

If you read this and have any questions, follow the various given links for contact info presented on the websites. That is how you will get reliable official information, not stuff you read on some blog.

Again, because of Memorial Day, and families planning for holiday activity, some potential candidate might overlook this earlier-than-before filing window; so pay attention, please. If you know of a potential candidate, please touch base to assure your friend, acquaintance or associate files a timely application.