
Sunday, May 06, 2012

Imagine how "Scott Walkerish" our state might now be, had the Republican rump not rebelled, and Siefert instead of Emmer had been their candidate for Governor, and won?

With Emmer they lost, deservedly so. But it was a thin few thousand votes as Dayton's margin, so that one less bumbling than Emmer, i.e., Siefert, might have, could have ...
 This photo:

image from MinnPost, here
"Fear and Loathing," was Hunter Thompson's term. Which one inspires more Fear? We are very, very fortunate these headstrong stuffed shirts are held in veto check. From the MinnPost report, the winning reader comment of the day:
What a bunch of idiots. Submitted by Kenneth Kjer on May 4, 2012 - 3:01pm. I have never and I am 69 years old seen such a lousy bunch of legislators in my life. I have been a Republican for over 50 years, but these know nothing idiots have driven me completely out of the Republican party. If I had a two year old who acted like them I would spank them. They are an embarrassment to the State of MN. They make Jesse Venture look like a Rhodes Scholar.
I think saying Jesse needs to be compared to these two, in order to look good collapses the situation unnecessarily. I say compare Jesse to Michele Bachmann or rocket man Mike Jungbauer, and Jesse looks like a Nobel Prize winner. Enough said?