
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hegseth releases campaign item making opponent Severson look good. Really. And showing he himself has no record to stand on - platitudes only.

The item shows that Severson is not a robotic-moron when spending needs require a raise in taxes; but that he instead is reasonable and able to reason with others. Really. It says that. See for yourself:

Originally posted here

Given that comparison, one hopes the Republicans do not do as with Emmer, but instead run the best candidate they have, Severson. As the item indicates, Severson apparently is not beholden to Grover Norquist nor Grover's clones, but has a mind of his own and a will to govern wisely when wise government is what's needed. He's not some Army guy who can field strip a weapon but otherwise is out of his league.

On the possible chance Klobuchar may lose, the hope would be that the victor is not some idiot with ideology in place of thought processes.