
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cronyism, corruption in contracts. Oh my.

And of all people:

The Vatican faces a widening scandal that in one short week has seen Pope Benedict's butler arrested, the president of its bank unceremoniously dismissed and the publication of a new book alleging conspiracies among cardinals.

It was a poisonous Pentecost Sunday for the pope, who likely had the tumultuous events of the past week on his mind as he celebrated a mass in St Peter's Basilica on the day regarded as the birthday of the Church.

On Saturday his personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, 46, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents in the scandal that has come to be known as "Vatileaks". Some of the documents allege cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies.

I feel so lucky to live in Ramsey. Where such clouds never darken our skies.

"Vatileaks" is a term for you to consider using in your own web search. Quality coverage, the Economist. As always, a vignette, Wikipedia - touching on phrases such as "greater transparency," "money laundering," and "Opus Dei." No direct relationship yet reported to reproductive right of choice, or employee healthcare coverage considerations. When things reach questions about the Vatican bank, uncertainties abound and opinions can proliferate. Are we seeing a hint of Oliver Stone's next film? And we in Ramsey, molehills, only molehills, if that. Along with people having boring names, locally, not Tarcisio Bertone, Bruno Bartoloni, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, Julian Herranz, Paolo Gabriele, Georg Ganswein, or Ratzinger.