
Monday, May 07, 2012

All of the strongest sternest critics of Newt Romney are now on board. Except for Senator Rick.

Bachmann's eaten her words, this link. Senator Rick, you and Michele are on the same page, prostituting to the same sentiments among some of the lesser Republicans - and if she can do it without loss of stature among that sorry segment, you can. Do it, pay off the campaign debt and go back to playing on your past to make more money than most in the nation will ever even think of making in a normal non-career-politician-and-morals-nanny lifetime. It's your karma. Your fate. Accept it. Go to the robot raider. Kiss the ring. You're no better than Bachmann, nor attuned to any higher calling or standards - each of you being careerist Republican poseurs. She and you are cut from the very same bolt of cloth, so do it Senator Rick.

The practicalities are understood. Senator Rick has time on his hands. An opportunity for mischief. A hold-out's chance to cut a better deal, but at some point the train leaves the station. Bachmann caved early because she's still wanting Minnesota's Sixth District to continue her regular receipt of pay checks. Senator Rick lacks that kind of immediacy. He has much time for navel-gazing and mischief making that Bachmann, as a practical matter, lacks. So what is the dude up to?