
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wow, can the Bachmann people ever dump scorn and venom on the proud people of the Sixth District. What folks they are.

Strib reporting, here:

Bachmann campaign spokesman Chase Kroll said that when voters learn Graves supports abortion rights, gay marriage and President Obama's health care law, they will view him differently.

"Our opponent is totally out of touch with the values and the vision of the people in Minnesota's Sixth District," Kroll said. Bachmann, he said, "is in sync with her constituents and has worked in a bipartisan fashion to deliver on the issues most important to them. People know Michele Bachmann, and they know they can trust her."

How cynically scornful can they be? Thinking us barely civilized. Ripe for plucking.

In contrast Graves, speaking for himself and not sending henchmen, says - according to Strib:

Graves said the district needs a full-time representative, not Bachmann, who spent much of 2011 vying for the GOP presidential nomination.

"We're pro-family," Graves said. "We believe in people having good jobs with good benefits and supporting women, letting them make their own decisions."

Bachmann, he said, "has a very specific agenda that revolves around the congresswoman. [...]

Does that final sentence hit the nail on the head? Does it ever. Dead on the head.

Bachmann's world is Michele Bachmann, throw Marcus in as an afterthought, keeping the paycheck and the limelight of Rupert's love, all about Numero Uno. The one and only. It's not merely her passion it's her pathology.

The District needs to quit feeding the beast.