
Friday, April 20, 2012

What are the Republicans in DC waiting for? It is their job to be passing needed legislation.

And "The Paying a Fair Share Act" is not only needed, it has been overdue since before the Gipper rode his white horse into the White House. And it's only seven pages long and so simply worded that even a Republican can read and understand it. Paul Ryan and Grover Norquist, each can understand it. Each knows in his inner heart why it is both just, and needed. Two pages are presented below, and the link has been given where you can read the entire thing. After the opening bill title page, below, a page suggesting (at line 18) who might think the idea is not so good, and might even marshal forces in opposition. It is not me. It is not you.

Can you say 1%? Can you explain to me why the 1% should not be paying a fair share, why people like Crabgrass readers should be carrying them on their backs? And "trickle down" and "job creator" BS does not hack it. Crooks and Liars, reports with an embedded video, about the 1%'s job creator rhetoric, the video being of a hoax parroted for us by an emotionless parrot wearing a tiny flag lapel pin (made in China).

GovTrack for this bill, here. GovTrack home -> congress -> bills link, if you want to do bookmarking: