
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spell it out for me, Watchdog. What's THE PROGRAM?

Two related posts, seemingly so in my view, at Residual Forces, one presenting Watchdog barking, "GET WITH THE PROGRAM."

Here most recently, then here.

The program is hold Ron Paul under water until there's no flaiing left, then sing Kumbaya with the Mittster and his stay-at-home spouse (even so years after the oldest offspring's left the nest)? Like it. Love it. Hunt for a YouTube posting of Michael Douglas as Gordon Gecko, giving the "Greed is Good" speech?

Is that THE PROGRAM. Spell it out, please.

Co-opt enough people this election to get control of the spoils?


That sounds more like an expedient than a PROGRAM.

Things seem very confusing to me and one hopes to see THE PROGRAM spelled out for us folks who will vote this November.

What're rank and file Republicans to "GET WITH?"

Is half a bark better than no bark at all? I'd like the full and detailed bark, please.


Is this a hint? The Ron Paul people commune with and channel demons? They are a different breed of RINO?

Not like the Emmer people turning away from Marty Siefert preordination, which then was freedom of choice but, somehow, not turncoat insurrection.


Lockstep, we go as the Mittster's purchased herd, bought fair and square for corporatism, by corporate super-PAC "people"?

Am I learning Republican-speak? Huh?

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
A friend sent this link. Reading it, I can infer majority rule is not always if it ever was THE PROGRAM.

Still, Watchdog, spell out THE PROGRAM, please. So I do not follow some blind alley of inference and speculation.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Perhaps the mainstream and alternate press may give me a hint of THE PROGRAM. Today's Strib home page, ditto for MinnPost, do a page search for "ron paul." Nothing. Zippo.

Am I getting hot? Towards THE PROGRAM, in all its aspects?

I suppose there is no Minnesota recent news, that would trigger a "ron paul" hit on press homepages. There is this Strib news:

This MinnPost news:

I bet if I were to check those two news outlet home pages for "Rodney Dangerfield" he'd get no respect either.