
Friday, April 27, 2012

SINGLE PAYER WILL END ATROCITIES LIKE ACCRETIVE HEALTH -- NY Times: "Accretive is one of the few companies specializing in hospital debt collection that is publicly traded. Last year, it reported $29.2 million in profit, up 130 percent from a year earlier. Late last month, Fairview Health Services, a Minnesota hospital group that Accretive provided services to, announced it was canceling its contract with Accretive for back-office debt collection. After Accretive informed investors, its stock plunged 19 percent in a day. On Tuesday, the company’s shares closed at $18.49, down 2.7 percent."

click image to enlarge and read

Susan Perry of MinnPost reported the story tightly, but with a host of relevant links. Read it, follow the links. Original unaltered screen capture from here.