
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Please do not expect a few things such as facts to get in the way of Michele Bachmann's telling what to her is a good story.

Obamacare as George Washintoncare? Never mind Romneycare.

The individual mandate as founding father stuff?

Bachmann would tear into that the way she tears into gay people (including her step sister - not out of hate for them but because of hatred of sin). With venom and rhetoric she would denounce such patent lies, facts be damned in the process.

Hat tip to Eric Black of MinnPost for noticing and highlighting a Harvard Law School prof's New Republic item.

What law school again did Obama attend, where he was Law Review editor? Oh, of course, that explains the guy from there using facts to unfairly debunk such well-sounding Republican spinmeister truth as we are hearing, said often enough that it must be true ...

One last thing, the New Republic having that web name, it confused me greatly so that I almost attributed the pro-mandate reporting to National Review. It is so easy to confuse the two, but in the future I will try to be vigilant about not being National Review. Content-wise, tell me readers, what's the difference? It is like my confusing Breitbart with Buckley, similar names, with now, thankfully, that problem mooted. Previously I needed attentiveness to stylistic nuance to distinguish between them.

Gentlemen, before going further,
have each of you complied with the healthcare individual mandate?
photo from this link