
Monday, April 09, 2012

Microsoft is set to burn a billion buying AOL patents. Google wants to spend $12.5 billion to acquire Motorola Mobility for its patent portfolio. But the Chinese are a roadblock. Nobody seeking presidential election but Ron Paul seems to question globalization.

Google's China headquarters.
Bloomberg photo.
Two US firms cannot merge because of the Chinese?


And with that as a context we have Santorum bleating around about contraception, abortion, and having some traction, with some, on that as a "fiddling" issue-bank while the Euro teeters and commerce and the economy are otherwise both gloomy and uncertain - i.e., Rome is burning while Rick is fiddling and Romney is consolidating.

"What's in your wallet," relates to who pays the dinner tab.
Beyond that, what's in your patent portfolio?
There are rules in our business, you know.

Microsoft-AOL, here, here and here. Then two Googles, here and here.

With Facebook looking to IPO itself into a public company, one might ask Zuckerberg, "What's in your portfolio," and whether the company, after going public, will be vulnerable to patent troll litigation and shakedown suits by other high tech players.