
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jim Graves opponent for Congress. Something I off-and-on wonder about, was there a message of a new direction for the Republican party intended, that grip and all, a message in that event of Dominionism vs. Corporatism?

Here. And then here. Hopefully both items remain posted.

Better terminology than in the headline might be secular corporatism vs. Dominionist corporatism. Santorum would clearly be within the Dominionist corporatist camp - wanting a strong interlocked private-public effort to run the nation based on Christian theocratic aims, or on his view of what Christian theocratic aims should be.

For example, Santorum would restrict liberty and choices other individuals might wish to have or to see preserved, in ways that would spring from his own religious feelings and worldview. Presumably foreign policy and military objectives would be similarly set.

Bachmann would do the same, although Santorum and Bachmann might differ on things where the Papacy and extreme fundamentalist Evangelical belief sets may differ, such as the Papacy's expression of social conscience for the poor worldwide vs. simplistic Mac Hammond prosperity gospel humbug.  Palin would qualify as a Bachmann lockstep fellow-traveler.

Santorum and Bachmann each is on record as opposed to contraception availability as mandated healthcare coverage for any insured person seeking it. I.e., opposed to others making a birth control choice because they, personally, don't like it and want to dictate choices for others

Bush, aside from pandering to the religious right to gain votes from them, was not pursuing a Dominionist agenda. Yet he undeniably pursued a secular corporatist one, Big Oil, globalism, tax policy, Wall Street, and all.