
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Exceptional good news. An SD 30 state senate candidate. He is NOT the Big Lake Township candidate who is little but a tool of ALEC. He is NOT the one as an ALEC tool is wanting you to have "your papers please" special ID in hand, to be a citizen allowed your right to vote.

I.e., he is not named Mary Kiffmeyer.

I.e., he is not the Minnesota ALEC anchor person for undermining citizen rights.

I.e., he is not one to engage in despicable practices.

Paul Perovich, is the DFL's SD 30 endorsed candidate. Read very good reporting of things, online at the Star News.

This gives DFL supporters a second DFL Perovich brother to merit a campaign contribution, along with his brother Peter Perovich, the DFL's SD 35 candidate.

Look for a post update once I am able to find campaign contact info for the Paul Perovich for Senate District 30 effort. To avoid both confusion and redundancy, I will update with campaign-specific info for both of the Perovich brothers.

But get Kiffmeyer out of the legislature yesterday. Improve Minnesota that way. Retire her and Ralph both back to their nursing profession. VOTE SMART. And this time you can do that without having to present any "your papers please" special stuff. In fact this time you need not present papers to vote against the ALEC inspired effort to require that you have to present papers.

I thought twice about that "papers please" link, because it is a little rambling and it has a bit too much Tea Party sentiment to it in my mind, but it was written online sometime ago, before the Republicans decided to push voter ID to disenfranchise same day registration which is predominantly used by people who show up and then far more frequently than not end up voting for Democrats and for liberal ballot issues rather than ALEC stuff. I published the link because it in parts borders on right wingnutery. I truly wonder how the Kiffmeyer-ALEC people intend to propagandize that part, the Tea Party part, of their base to sell them on the issue of switching to now want more intrusive identity papers than governments at different levels already require. I expect it will be harnessed to immigration talk. Use the side door, not the front door.