
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

CISPA and the privacy of individual Americans.

Readers can do a websearch of CISPA, and see if they like their prospects for privacy, if it is passed.

Cnet coverage of the question, here.

EFF, wanting to always protect internet users and their rights - privacy being one among many - has this site.

EFF on "Stop Cyber Spying Week," here.

Have a look. Do your own web search. Contact Franken, Klobuchar (who is up for reelection), or your Congressional district Rep.

Mine's Bachmann, so why bother. She talks a talk, but will NOT walk this walk.

Give it a try with Bachmann.

See if I am guessing wrongly.

Contact her saying CISPA stinks.

See what you get back, if anything. Tell her you are in her district (if that's truly so), and see if she cares.

The tracker firms that make money selling a profile of you to advertising interests accumulate data about you.

It is your data. It is not theirs. Or so the actual main "father" of the internet says, in a Guardian interview, reported by Cnet, here.

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Earlier Cnet CISPA coverage, here. Who Google says is a threat to Internet freedom, here.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
The text of the latest CISPA draft, as best I understand things, is online as a pdf, here.

The cyber big players are happy because if "cyber security intelligence" information is shared with government snoops about you, by them, the bill if passed says you cannot sue the willingly co-opted business firms. They have a safe harbor from liability, regardless of what they "share" with the snoops.

You, on the other hand, have no rights. "Shared" info about you, whichever way the info flows, snoops to corporations or vice versa, is exempt from any right you have to know a thing about your info being "shared." Indeed, the firms cannot tell you about snooping even if they wanted to. That is how things are written. It's about you, but you are out of the loop, Constitution and privacy norms be damned, if passed it will be as it is written. It sucks. Write somebody. Klobuchar's online contact page is here:

Use it.

Or in terms of your privacy, lose it.