
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Amy K. and the three Dwarfs.

Yes, Snow White had seven and they were called Dwarfs not dwarves. Amy has three. The Dwarfs names; Bills, Hegseth, and Severson. Crabgrass gives the names in order of likely appeal to Republicans per commitments being inferred leading up to the GOP endorsement convention - the delegate nose-count-nose-guess game, it is called. This link.

Sixth District Republican king maker Dave Fitzsimmons is on the Bills bandwagon, (although he failed to make a king out of Tom Emmer). Not even a slik purse, from that starting material. Big among CD 6 Republicans, (with a so-what yawn from others I suppose). Like the Tom Waits song, Big in Japan. Big in CD 6. Among Republicans.

Hegseth is a military hawk, just what we do not need - a hothead to go along with Romney and Bachmann about getting into war, yes another, with Iran. A loser as far as I am concerned. We don't need more deaths fighting somebody else's grudge matches.

Bills has a campaign website. If Hegseth has one, I am unaware of it. Severson has a website with one of those super-tacky lead-in pages. I think it is a YouTube embedded video, extolling the virtues of the product the way one would market beer or an automobile brand. But not that slick.

From Ripple in Stillwater, here.
(Read of Karl and the site, and the City Pages award.)

Amy K. has taken positions that vex progressives. And she has taken positions that greatly vex environmentalists. However, if Hegseth is the GOP candidate, then in a heartbeat, I would choose Amy as the better of that pair - and recipient of my vote.

Between Severson and Bills, it would take a Republican to want to take the time to study either -- what one says, what the other's record is, that stuff.

It's a be vexed and unhappy with Klobuchar situation, but you have to end up casting the vote for Klobuchar. It is a no-brainer that way if Hegseth is the general election opposition choice.

Bills, if endorsed, at least I would pay attention to him to see if he is akin to Ron Paul on issues, given that he has Ron Paul's endorsement. I would take time to seriously study that. Auditing the Fed, and looking at how the money supply is manipulated, ostensibly in the pubic interest, by a cabal of bankers is something Ron Paul questions and too few others do. Also, warmongering is not a Ron Paul position. Skepticism about the so-called Patriot Act is also insufficiently strong, but the Ron Paul people have that to consider. If Bills tracks such policy positions he would be appealing, even though a Republican.

PREDICTING GOP WHIMS AND PREDILECTIONS: My guess is we will see a Klobuchar - Bills general election, and I doubt that if Bills is endorsed that either Hegseth or Severson would run a primary challenge. And Bills would make the strongest opponent of the three.

A primary contest to become general election chopped liver is a low percentage play. It would be a surprise if Hegseth or Severson will see any cause for a primary.