
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ya'all pick winners. Now what?

In honor of Santorum having widespread appeal along the Gulf Coast, deep in the heart of Dixie among oil spill debris and hurricane havoc, this link.

Reports are Santorum will next reach for Wisconsin.

Has Mr. Guv. Recall there endorsed any candidate?

All I have seen is our too-familiar quick exit specialist endorsing the other way:

Former Minnesota governor and possible presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty released a video today that uses dramatic music and quick cuts of protest footage to show support for Walker. At the end of the minute-long video, Pawlenty is shown on a news program saying, "It's really important that America stand with Walker, stand with Wisconsin."

Pawlenty also launched a petition on his political action committee website to gather public support for Walker.

"Governor Scott Walker is making tough choices needed to avoid financial ruin," the website reads. "The nation's governors don't need a lecture from a President who has never balanced a budget. All levels of government need to bring public employee compensation in line with the private sector... I'm confident Governor Walker's reforms will succeed in Wisconsin. Stand strong, Scott -- average taxpayers everywhere are rooting for you."

That endorsing guy, he got out of the candidate fray quicker than Houdini could shed chains.